Training & Games
Training & Game Day Location

Training & Game Times
Our Junior teams train for one hour on Tuesday evenings, between 4:30pm & 8:30pm. Times are set by the coach based on their availability and remain the same time throughout the season.
Seniors training is open to any Senior player who wishes to attend and is not compulsory. Sessions are usually at 7:30pm for 45 minutes, but we will advertise exact details closer to the start of the season.
Our Minis, Modified & Junior teams play Saturday mornings. Game times are 8:30am, 9:30am, 10:30am or 11:30am, for approximately 45 minutes. Once set, these will remain the same throughout the season.
Our Cadet & Senior teams play Saturday afternoons. Game times are 12:30pm, 1:50pm & 3:10pm for just over an hour. Once allocated will remain the same throughout the season.
The Association will notify clubs of playing times two weeks prior to the commencement of the season.

Training Attire
Parents are asked to ensure their child is appropriately dressed for training. This includes but is not limited to:
Supportive shoes suitable for netball. Nike Freeruns, Adidas Flux etc. do not have enough ankle support and are not suitable for games or training.
Sports shorts or tights.
Greenlees training shirt or similar.
No jewellery is permitted to be worn during games, and we'd ask that players not wear any to training. Medical alert bracelets are the only exception.
Please note that taping of earrings is not permitted under Netball Australia rules. Please do not take your child to have their ears pierced immediately before or during the season.
A jumper to wear to/from training.
A water bottle, as the canteen is not open on training nights.

Wet Weather
In the event of inclement weather, the following procedures are in place:
Our aim is always for training to proceed where suitable. Coaches will make a decision for their own team and will notify the parents/players via text. This call will be made as close to the start of training time as is reasonable, as weather conditions can change throughout the day. Please allow your coach time to contact you before trying to get in touch with them.
If conditions are deemed dangerous by the Executive, training will cancelled for the entire club and we will post to Facebook.
The Association is responsible for deciding if games will proceed.
A decision to call off morning games due to inclement weather is made at 7:30am on the day of play, while the call for afternoon games is made at 12pm.
Once the Association has notified the club, we will post to Facebook and text coaches and captains.
Please assume training and games are proceeding unless otherwise notified.